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Vacancies at St Stephen's

Vacancies at St Stephen's

Treasurer Vacancy at St Stephen's

After many years of faithful service our Treasurer will be stepping down.  We therefore seek a new Treasurer.  The post will start at the APCM on 27 April 2025 but we hope for a transition period of at least three months prior to the APCM.

The role of a treasurer is a very important one. Not only will thousands of pounds flow through the Church’s funds, but the PCC is also an independent charity, and will need to conform to Charity Commission guidance.  The treasurer does not need to be an accountant – it’s important that a potential treasurer has both the honesty and enthusiasm to want to do the job, and some of the following skills and characteristics would be helpful:

Skills and Characteristics

  • Reasonable financially competence, and the ability to maintain a basic accounts book.
  • Be competent in the use of spreadsheets and working online, including participating in Zoom calls.
  • Have an understanding of the parish, its needs and challenges.
  • Have a basic understanding of how the parish fits into its wider Deanery, Diocesan and national church contexts.
  • Willingness to attend PCC meetings, not only to deal with financial matters, but also in order to be aware of the PCC’s plans.
  • Be in harmony with the PCC, the parish priest and the wider church.
  • Be able to explain financial issues clearly, both within the PCC and to the general church membership.
  • Be able to maintain confidentiality, particularly with respect to matters that relate to individual church members; e.g. their personal giving.
  • Meet the wider requirements of the Charity Commissioners for all trustees: i.e. not disqualified by bankruptcy or by convictions for financial wrong doing.
  • Although PCC members can be 16 or over, the bank is likely to require someone who is 18 or over. Since the role carries significant responsibility the PCC may also feel that it is appropriate to have someone aged over 18.
  • You may or may not have been a treasurer of an organisation before.

Full training is available through the Diocese of Truro.  The Diocese also offer monthly online drop in sessions and assistance with the online parish return forms.

The Treasurer’s Task List and Calendar may be viewed here https://trurodiocese.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Treasurers-task-list-and-calendar-.pdf

This post is subject to the Safer Recruitment process.  The successful candidate will be required to undertake a DBS check, supply two references and participate in Safeguarding Training.  For further information please speak to Revd Laura.

Churchwarden at St Stephen's

After many years of faithful service one of our Churchwardens will be stepping down.  We therefore seek a new Churchwarden.  The post will start at the APCM on 27 April 2025 but we hope for a transition period of at least three months prior to the APCM.

Churchwardens – along with Revd Laura – are generally responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the parish.  Churchwardens are vital to the health and wellbeing of our church communities. It is an important and, at times, a demanding role.

Churchwardens are elected annually under the provisions of the Churchwardens Measure 2001 by the Annual Meeting of Parishioners, as the senior laypeople of the parish and congregation. Their term of office is one year, and they may serve for up to six consecutive terms of office, unless the Annual Meeting passes a resolution to set aside this rule. They are the Bishop’s officers, and are admitted to office each year by the Archdeacon, on behalf of the Bishop. Their first responsibility is to the Bishop, usually via the Archdeacon..

The Canons of the Church of England [Canons E1.4 and E1.5] state that churchwardens shall be foremost in representing the laity and in cooperating with the incumbent; they shall use their best endeavours by example and precept to encourage the parishioners in the practice of true religion and to promote unity and peace among them. They shall also maintain order and decency in the church and churchyard, especially during the time of divine service. The property, in the plate, ornaments and other moveable goods of the church, is vested in them, and they should keep an up-to-date inventory of these items, and deliver them to their successors.

Churchwardens should:

  • care for and support the parish priest, and be people to whom the incumbent can turn to for advice and support
  • try to ensure that the incumbent is relieved of superfluous administrative, and other, tasks
  • provide feedback, as a ‘critical friend’, for the parish priest
  • care for the congregation and encourage people in their Christian faith
  • help to resolve disputes or disagreements amongst the congregation or with the parish priest, or with the local community
  • When any concerns arise, they should consult the Rural Dean and/or Archdeacon.
  • Churchwardens should have a set of keys for the church.
  • attend services regularly, and normally arrive in good time to support the welcome group, be present for any refreshments, and assist in tidying up after services.
  • Be a regular communicant in the Church of England.

Full training is available through the Diocese of Truro. 

This video from the Diocese helps explain the roles and responsibilities of a Churchwarden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR1APsxNlgY

This post is subject to the Safer Recruitment process.  The successful candidate will be required to undertake a DBS check, supply two references and participate in Safeguarding Training which is delivered on Zoom.  For further information please speak to Revd Laura.