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Server's Guild

Server's Guild

The Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary was founded in 1897 and is a Catholic society of altar servers in the Church of England supporting the objects of Forward in Faith. It seeks to deepen the spiritual life of its members and help them to become more worthy of their important office. The objects of the Guild are;

  1. To raise the spiritual tone of Altar Servers
  2. To promote a conscientious performance of the duties of Altar Servers.
  3. To encourage a more frequent attendance at the Holy Eucharist in addition to times of duty.

It is entirely a society of lay people but welcomes Bishops, Priests and Deacons as Associate Members and non-servers as Supporter members.

The Plymouth Chapter of Our Lady Star of the Sea and St. George meet once a month and visit various churches in and around South Devon, Plymouth and South East Cornwall: