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Love God, Serve People, Make Disciples

December 2024

On reading this article from June 1945, struck me as quite interesting, especially as it was written just after Nazi Germany surrendered on 8th May 1945; So I thought I'd like to share it with you all.

“Dear Friends 

The month of May will necessarily stand out as a notable landmark in our history.  It has been an exciting month with public holidays, much rejoicing, and as is most just and due to the giving of thanks to Almighty God for His many mercies. But the future also has its many dangers. We may so easily forget and war still has to be waged in the far East, which because of its remoteness, which may tend to be put into the background. Yet homes will be darkened and our sympathy and our active help will still be needed and unceasing prayer for wisdom and guidance. Then to, we face the added excitements of a General Election in July the results of which will be fraught with big consequences not only for ourselves but the whole world. Again we need unceasing prayer for all our leaders. Slowly our peace-time activities will be revived but with the passing of danger will our consciousness of God’s over-ruling providence and His guiding hand, slip from us? It will become quite easy again to be careless and indifferent to spiritual things. Let us then, with this note of warning, take up our tasks afresh and resolve that our witness for God and His Church shall not grow feeble. 

This month is likely to be a busy month and I would ask you especially to remember the Annual C.M.S. Garden Sale, about which a note is added below. If true peace is to be achieved in the world then the good news of the Prince of Peace must be proclaimed and we must do our part in finding the means to do it. “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” These are the marching orders of the Church and we must obey. 

With all good wishes, 

Your friend and Vicar,