Love God, Serve People, Make Disciples
The sermon from Christmas Day, the Midnight Mass from St Stephen's and the Nine Lessons and Carols at St Nicholas and St Faith were recorded, uploaded to YouTube and are ready to view.
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From January 2023, the Sunday services at St Erney will change to the 2nd Sunday (Matins) and the 4th Sunday (Holy Communion).
There was a short service at SS Nicholas & Faith Church to give thanks for the life of the Queen - the service was recorded and the video can now be viewed.
The 2022 Remembrance Service at St Stephen's (and the following prayers at the War Memorial) was recorded and is now ready to view.
The event was very successful, despite a heavy downpour and we made a grand total of £1927. A great team effort!
Due to the school leavers’ service at St Stephen’s on Wednesday 20 July, the 10am eucharist will move to St Nick’s for this Wednesday only.
The very enjoyable and successful event at St Mary's, Botus Fleming raised almost £1,200 for church funds.
A series of reflections on how to cope with anxiety and loneliness in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, including simple Christian meditation techniques and five tips.
Rev Richard Magrath was licensed on 8 March at St Mary's, Botus Fleming - the service can be watched on YouTube: and the service sheet can be download here:
Bishop Hugh came to Sir Robert Geffery's School in Landrake to confirm five people. Congratulations Rebecca, Ruby, Ryan, Seb and Kylie.